Alex Gomar


Creative Producer, Performer and Facilitator

LONDON, Tottenham

Music & Performing Arts
Arts Education
  • About

    Alex grew up next to the River Lea pursuing a traditional (and privileged) academic education at Cambridge, before coming off the rails, leaving the UK for most of his 20s and becoming a clown.

    He lived in China for six years, where he studied a masters in Intercultural Performance Praxis and Mandarin, trained and worked in classical Chinese Opera, made theatre and dance, and co-founded grassroots interdisciplinary and intercultural arts organisations exploring critical themes. He also spent two years in Paris training at two different mime schools (cue: stereotypical mime hands).

    Now back in the UK, he specialises in community outdoor arts projects, creative physical education, makes work with and for young people labelled as having complex needs, and he is obsessed with the River Lea and how the arts can actively support riparian biodiversity goals. He fights for housing justice for young creatives in Haringey, particularly in protecting warehouse communities.

  • Info


    Self employed / sole trader



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